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Indoor Cat Enclosures: Safe Cat Playpens and Cages

Indoor Cat Enclosures: Safe Cat Playpens and Cages

Ah, cats. It doesn't matter if you're a simple tabby-lover or a full-on cat-lady—we all have one thing in common: our beloved fur babies must stay safe!

As much as we would love to keep our cats confined to their owners' laps all day, sadly, that is unrealistic for most cats (or their owners!). Our furry friends need exercise and enrichment only the great outdoors can offer.

But what if you want to keep your cat secure while they explore the outdoors or lounge by windows? Then, an indoor cat enclosure is just what you need!

This can provide your cat with hours of interactive play and exploration without the fear of them wandering off and getting lost. You may even occasionally witness them chattering at birds from outside.

In this post, we'll cover how to find the perfect indoor cat playpen for your little fur baby—because nothing beats having peace of mind while your kitty enjoys fresh air!

Benefits Of Indoor Playpens

If you've ever had a cat, you know they're capable of both feats of athleticism and destruction. A safe playpen or cage can contain their energy in a way that makes everyone happy.

Plus, there are plenty of other benefits. With an indoor playpen or cage, your kitty can lounge about and feel secure – no more worrying about them running off outside or getting into trouble indoors. And, if you need to leave your house, your cat will be content to stay put in their kitty palace and enjoy the view.

Factors To Consider

As any self-proclaimed cat person knows, cats need a secure space to explore and run around. Whether you're looking for the perfect feline playground or just a way to ensure your fur baby won't get in trouble around the house, an indoor cat playpen is perfect. But before you make your purchase, there are a few things you'll need to consider first.

Size and Activity Level

Kitten playing with toy indoors

First and foremost, meet the needs of your furry friend. If you have an active kitty who loves to zoom about, a larger area is obviously right for them. But if they prefer snoozing over chasing ping pong balls, something on the smaller side may be fitting. Either way, it's important that whatever size you choose provides enough room for your kitty to play and explore.


Take into account how much visibility the enclosure has. It's important that both you and your cat can see what's going on—maximum entertainment value applies here! Thoughtful design means plenty of privacy while they sleep, eat, and just generally lounge around being cute cats.

Durability and Safety

Finally, every cat parent should seek durable and safe materials for their fur baby. A coated metal frame with a non-toxic powder coating is ideal as it can withstand scratching from kitten claws and won't contain toxic ingredients that could harm the kitty. As for mesh material, look for heavy-duty corrosion- and rust-resistant wire mesh that provides ample ventilation and security when needed.

Indoor Cat Enclosures

Indoor cats live longer, safer, and healthier lives than outdoor cats. Cats allowed to roam outside face all kinds of dangers, from being hit by a car to getting attacked by other animals to picking up diseases and parasites. But if your indoor kitty can't get enough of open windows and doors, there are ways to let her enjoy the pleasures of being outdoors. Check out some cool cat enclosures you can set up for your nature-loving kitty!

Catio Spaces: If you live in the Seattle, Washington area, you can contact Catio Spaces to install a cat enclosure at your home. Don't live near Seattle? You can still order one of their DIY plans and assemble one yourself. Both custom and DIY catios come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Kittywalk Systems: This company has developed a unique set of interconnecting enclosures, so you can create a customized outdoor space for your cats, ranging from small and simple to big and fancy. They also produce secure and enclosed pet strollers too.

The Cat’s Den: Part of the company called Habitat Haven, The Cat’s Den provides a variety of pre-designed cat enclosure kits. You can also choose from different components and create a custom enclosure that suits your needs. They’ll even install it for you if you live near their Toronto, Ontario location.

C & D Pet Products: These sturdy cat enclosures can be free-standing or attached to an outside wall of your house. You can also choose the size you want, with dimensions ranging from 6 to 16 feet. An economy cat enclosure kit is also available.

Cat Solarium: These days, you no longer need to own huge spaces to give your cat a taste of the outdoors. With Cat Solarium's window solutions, your cat can get fresh air while staying secure inside your home!

Cats In A New Environment

After you've chosen the perfect indoor cat enclosure, it's time to let your cats explore their new home. The best part is they'll likely feel safer and more secure in their new environment. Not only will they be less likely to escape, but they'll also get a bunch of activity and play.

But how do you ensure your cats enjoy their enclosure as much as possible?

Set Up Activities

Cats may be predators, but that doesn't mean they can't get bored quickly. Provide scratching posts, toys, and other safe items for your cats to explore and play with. They might even like to climb up high for a better view of the house plants!

Place Items Strategically

Cats are naturally curious creatures and will enjoy exploring their enclosure if you place items strategically around them. Try hiding treats in different cage sections or scattering catnip in specific spots to make discovery a game.

Building an indoor cat garden is an excellent example of strategic item placement when it comes to making playpens for your feline friends.

Make it Comfortable

Orange cat sleeping on white blanket

Most importantly, ensure your cats have comfortable material to sleep on inside their enclosure, like blankets or soft carpeting (as long as they won't chew any of it!). You'll also want to provide plenty of water and food bowls so your furry friends don't go hungry or thirsty during playtime.

Now that everything is set up, sit back and relax while your cats explore their new home—happy kitty tails guaranteed!


Do cats like playpens? 

Rest assured, they do. You'll often see them cozied up in the corner of their enclosure with that classic 'catnap' look on their faces.

Can I put my cat in a playpen at night?

Cats generally like to have their own space for napping. You can definitely set up a separate playpen for them at night where they feel safe. But if you'd prefer one larger playpen, there's no problem with keeping your cat in it overnight—they'll still be able to stretch out and get comfy!

When is it time to get a catio?

It all comes down to how much range and stimulation your feline needs. If you think your cat seems content with a living room cat tower, then that's okay. But if you want to give your furbaby more activity options, you can consider getting a catio!

Embrace your inner feline & shop our entire cat collection - 25% of all proceeds go directly to no-kill animal shelters!

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