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14 Toxic Things For Dogs: Things Fido Should Never Eat

Most pet owners can name a few things widely known to be toxic to dogs, such as pesticides, snail bait, macadamia nuts, chocolate (most especially dark chocolate), fatty foods, and antifreeze. We often hear about other ordinary foods or things that are unsafe for dogs and cats, even if they don't come with poison warning labels.

Certain foods, plants, and other household items can also be highly toxic to dogs and other animals. Some of them might surprise you! Here's a list of harmful things or toxic substances for dogs to watch out for that you probably have lying around the house.

    1. Fabric Softener Sheets

    Fabric softener sheets harm dogs because they contain cationic ingredients that can cause gastrointestinal irritation, particularly in cats. They are especially dangerous before they are run through the dryer. Ensure your dog and other animals in your house stay away from dryer sheets.

      2. Avocados

      Avocados are bad for dogs because they contain a substance called persin. Avocados may result in an upset stomach in dogs and cats, but the real danger is to birds and rabbits, where ingesting avocados could lead to organ failure and even death. Cats shouldn't eat avocado, either.
      Be wary of avocado pits, too, as they may be a choking hazard, especially for bigger dogs.

          3. Grapes And Raisins

          These two are incredibly unsafe for dogs. They can cause kidney failure if your dogs eat them in large amounts, usually resulting in death. Never share these healthy human foods with your canine companion.

              4. Pennies

              Did you know that pennies minted after 1982 have a very high zinc content toxic to pets? Zinc can cause their kidneys to fail, and damage their liver and gastrointestinal system, so keep those loose coins away from your pet. Because pennies harm dogs, we recommend keeping them in a sealed container where your dog can't get to them.

                  5. Garlic

                  brown adult Labrador dog sitting beside table

                  Garlic is very dangerous to dogs and especially harmful to cats. It affects the red blood cells, compromising their capacity to carry oxygen throughout the body., which in many cases has ended in death. Make sure to tuck this tasty food away from your pup!

                    6. Spices

                    Just like with macadamia nuts, certain spices can harm dogs. Mace and nutmeg can damage the gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Paprika, onion powder, and turmeric contain irritants that could harm your pet's skin, stomach, and mucus membranes. Keep your spice rack up and out of harm's way for your dog.

                      7. Eucalyptus

                      Keep dried flower arrangements containing eucalyptus away from dogs and pets in general. Eucalyptus includes an essential oil called eucalyptol that can cause stomach upset and harm the nervous system of dogs and other pets.

                          8. Sugar-Free Gum

                          Sugar-free gum, candy, and other sugar-free products that contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol are toxic to dogs. Xylitol rapidly releases insulin in dogs and will cause a sudden onset of severe symptoms, which include vomiting, bleeding, seizures, and death.

                          It may cause your dog's blood sugar to drop, and liver failure can occur in extreme cases, often becoming life-threatening. If a dog with low blood sugar is left untreated, it can also lead to seizures or a tragic demise.

                          9. Lilies

                          All types of lilies are highly toxic to cats and have also been known to affect dogs. A cat that eats any part of a lily plant—even pollen--could die from kidney failure within 36-72 hours. Do not bring lilies to your house if you have a dog or cat! They are life-threatening for them!

                            10. Mulch

                            Garden mulch made from certain trees can contain essential oils and resins that could harm your dog if he eats it. Cocoa bean shell mulch is attractive to dogs and can cause similar symptoms to chocolate poisoning if consumed in large quantities. Know exactly what is in your mulch before putting it in a yard with dogs! 

                            11. Raw Yeast

                            Let the dough rise somewhere safe from curious dogs if you're making bread or other foods with raw yeast dough, such as handmade soft pretzels. Raw yeast or raw bread dough can expand in your dog's stomach, causing unpleasant gas and bloating.

                            This can cause your dog's stomach to twist and quickly become a medical emergency. Speaking of "raw," be careful when giving raw meat, raw eggs, and cooked bones to dogs, too, as they can contain bacteria like E. Coli and Salmonella that can cause harm to dogs just like to us, pet owners.

                            12. Salt

                            two dogs waiting behind owner in the kitchen

                            Be careful when sharing salty foods like potato chips or pretzels with your dog. Human food may seem like tasty treats, but a dog eating something with too much salt can lead to liver failure.

                            Dogs eating foods with salt can experience excessive thirst and urination or even sodium ion poisoning. Signs that your pet may have overeaten of this include diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythm, vomiting, tremors, depression, seizures, elevated body temperature, and even death.

                            13. Medicine

                            Keep human medication away from your dogs. Dogs may develop severe stomach and intestinal ulcers and red blood cell damage if they ingest medicines like Advil and Tylenol.

                            If your dog has taken over-the-counter or prescription drugs for humans or if you think your dog may have food poisoning, don't hesitate to get in touch with your veterinarian or ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) Helpline's 24-hour animal poison control hotline at 888-426-4435 immediately!

                            14. Alcoholic Beverages

                            Alcoholic poisoning is dangerous to us; how much more for our doggos? Even tiny amounts of alcohol have a toxic substance that can cause severe issues to your dog's health. Both ethanol (the intoxicating ingredient in an alcoholic beverage) and hops (the ingredient in beer brewing) can cause alcohol intoxication in dogs.

                            Final Thoughts

                            There you have it; 14 everyday things in your household that could cause harm to your furry companion. If you have a puppy who is always curious and loves to eat or chew up random things in the house, consider giving him dog toys to be busy with.

                            Get a new leash on life with our my dog is my best friend shirt from our dog tees collection, an adorable way to show off how much you love and care for your family dogs.

                            Consider these grain-free treat recipes if you're thinking of giving your dogs some treats. As you know, most ingredients in dog treats are not always in commercial dog foods. They're easy to make, so give them a shot!

                            Toxic Things For Dogs FAQ

                            Can dog toys be toxic?

                            Some toys contain toxic materials that can threaten your pup's health if chewed or ingested. Be wary of dog toys that include the following:

                            • BPA (bisphenol A) is a hormone-disrupting chemical used to harden plastics that are banned from children's toys but still allowed in pet toys. Avoid plastics marked with the number 7 or "PC" for polycarbonate.

                            • PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a plastic that releases toxic fumes when chewed. Look for the number 3 or "PVC" marking.

                            • Heavy metals like lead and cadmium are poisonous if ingested, especially by puppies. Some rubber toys, mainly imported ones, have been found to contain heavy metals.

                            Closely supervise your dog with any toy until the materials are non-toxic. Inspect toys regularly for wear and tear and discard or replace them as soon as they break down.

                            How do I keep my dog from ingesting harmful substances?

                            Providing a safe environment, securing hazardous foods and substances (like antifreeze), and closely monitoring your dog can help prevent accidental poisoning and ensure a long, healthy life for your canine companion. Consulting with your vet on concerns about your canine's diet or substance exposure is always recommended.

                            Is fish food toxic for dogs?

                            Fish food usually isn't harmful to dogs, so don't panic if you think Fido might have accidentally tasted a bit of your goldfish's treats. However, you should still observe your dog and call your vet if your furry friend is acting strange.

                            Previous article Dog Training Facts: Essential Insights for Pet Owners

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